by Kelly Jahner-Byrne | Mindset, Persistence, Winning
Taking a chance on something is hard! Change is hard! It sure has been tough on me. Perhaps I’m a creature of habit even though I say I LOVE adventure. I don’t always embrace change with a big bear hug. HOW can that be? I’m an entrepreneur, a visionary and a leader....
by Kelly Jahner-Byrne | Confidence, Mindset
Everyone can make a difference! You can be the one person who speaks life to someone at rock bottom. One person can turn your confidence into doubt. A single smile can calm your stress. A rude friend might tarnish your memory of the good old days. One person is all it...
by Kelly Jahner-Byrne | Mindset, Winning
When your eyes slowly open in the morning, right away you can decide HOW your day will go. You can rush to the shower, pour your coffee in yesterday’s travel mug, and shove a frozen meal in your bag as you run out the door. You can lie in bed and check your email,...
by Kelly Jahner-Byrne | Confidence, Marketing, Mindset, Selling
It’s a pretty basic concept: if you need an answer, you ask a question. Over the past several decades, I’ve noticed a confusing habit amongst salespeople – they don’t ask potential buyers if they’re going to buy. Why is it so intimidating to ask someone if they want...